Log 2663
28/01/2024 2024-01-28 15:56// Input values
$creationDate = #תאריך יצירה#;
$lastOrderDate = #הזמנה אחרונה בתאריך#;
$currentDate = #תאריך של היום#;
// Remove any leading or trailing spaces from the input values
$creationDate = trim($creationDate);
$lastOrderDate = trim($lastOrderDate);
$currentDate = trim($currentDate);
// Check if the last order date is empty
if (empty($lastOrderDate)) {
// Calculate the number of days between creation date and current date
$daysPassed = round((strtotime($currentDate) – strtotime($creationDate)) / (60*60*24));
} else {
// Calculate the number of days between last order date and current date
$daysPassed = round((strtotime($currentDate) – strtotime($lastOrderDate)) / (60*60*24));
// Echo the result
return $daysPassed;